A small no-cut paver patio or walkway is a straightforward do-it-yourself job. We have a guide called The Seven Simple Steps that covers all you need to know to complete the project.
Although the first step in the Seven Steps is calculating the materials you need, we recommend step 1-A to begin and that’s doing a little prework planning so you work smart-not hard! For instance, if you are building a patio, figure out how you are going to use it (table, chairs, grill, average number of people) so you build it the right size the first time. If you are doing a walkway, the walkway should be 4 feet wide (perfect dimension for a no-cut paver pattern) so 2 people can pass one another comfortably. It’s very hard to add on to your pavement at a later date. And don’t forget to call 811 the national call-before-you-dig phone number to identify the buried utilities below the area you want to pave.

No-Cut Double Basketweave DIY Patio
One aspect folks don’t think about often enough is what pattern do I want to lay my pavers in? Herringbone is by far the most popular pattern in use and it looks beautiful. However, it requires cutting pavers on the perimeter to finish the job. Cutting is time consuming and requires renting either a diamond blade saw or paver splitter to complete the project.
The work smart-not hard solution is to avoid cutting all together! Below are they most popular paver patterns with the no-cut paver patterns highlighted with a red box. Don’t like any of these? Create your own variation.

Red Squares Indicate No-Cut Patterns.
The two basketweave patterns offer a lot of depth and dimension and are easy to assemble with no cutting needed as long as your project dimensions are in multiples of 8″. For example 4′ wide (Six 8″ paver lengths) by 10′ long (Fifteen 8″ paver lengths). The first one a double basketweave, shown below using out Pathway Full Range pavers, alternates two vertical pavers by two horizontal pavers, creating a thick weave effect, as if two “reeds” are woven side by side.
Double Basketweave Pattern
A single basketweave option shown below is a slight variation of the double basketweave, using an alternative pattern of three pavers, one horizontal with two vertical. It’s is slightly more complex, but still requires no-cuts. Pavers used in this example are Brookstown Red. This 1-3/8″ Thin Paver series is perfect for laying over existing concrete slabs.
Single Basketweave Pattern
The simplest pattern you can make is a stack bond, demonstrated below in Rumbled Alabaster. This is a modified stack bond with 3 course laid horizontally and then one course laid vertically. A great aspect of a modified stack bond is it enables the homeowner the ability to be creative with the pattern and create their own custom design while still eliminating cuts
Modified Stack Bond
Additional Laying Tips
- Work out of different parts of the package or several packages at once to get a better color blend.
- You can be creative with the placement of the lighter and dark pavers in a “full range” or use 2 different colors to give your pavement some character. By concentrating colors in a specific area, say a banding or section, you create your own work of art.
- Set 2 edge restraints prior to laying pavers but do not set all your edge restraints. Laying pavers to an open edge allows you to lay full pavers without being constrained by a fixed edge. After all the goal is to eliminate cutting.
- Our English Edge pavers feature spacer nibs and beveled edges making them the easiest paver to lay. Laying a Square Edge pavers like Pathway require spacing the pavers slightly, so sand can get into the joints. This make for a stronger bond between the pavers and will cut down chippage because you won’t have paver-to-paver contact. Or just use Rumbled pavers for a more rustic antique looking project.
English Edge Pavers feature Beveled Edges and Spacer Bars
- Straighten your pavers with a string line prior to sweeping the sand in the joints. The best-looking jobs are the ones where the joints in the pattern all align.
Keeping it simple with these no-cut patterns makes the job a little easier, but you don’t have sacrifice aesthetics.