in.When you think of brick, the classic red color might come to mind, but lately, one of our best selling colors has been, Chesapeake Pearl a white and creamy brick with bluish gray undertones. This versatile brick can appear more white or gray depending on your mortar selection and works with a variety of trim and stone colors.
The Importance of Mortar Color
The color of a brick wall shifts dramatically depending on your mortar selection. This isn’t surprising as mortar makes up almost 1/5 of any brick wall. Chesapeake Pearl is shown above with Gray Mortar on the left and White Mortar on the right. You can see from the photo how the gray mortar brings out the gray tones inn the brick and shifts the color of the wall towards an overall darker appearance while the white mortar mutes the gray tones in the brick and shifts the color of the wall towards an overall lighter appearance.

Gray Mortar / White Mortar
This difference mortar makes in appearance of a brick wall is clear in the next two houses. The top house uses Gray Mortar and the bottom house uses White Mortar. Both look drastically different due to the change in mortar color from gray to white despite having the same pewter gray colored shingles on the roofs.

Chesapeake Pearl Oversize – Gray Mortar

Chesapeake Pearl Oversize – White Mortar
Pairing Chesapeake Pearl with Stone
Chesapeake Pearl also works with a variety of stones and roof colors to create interesting contrasts between light and dark. The first house below pairs a brown roof and brown trim along with earth tone ledge stone (Coronado Ethowah) to provide maximum contrast between the white brick and the dark roof and stone. The second house below uses bluish-gray fieldstone and a pewter gray roof for a more subtle contrast with the brick
Chesapeake White Oversize – White Mortar
Chesapeake Pearl – White Mortar
Home Design Flexibility
The house at the top of the article is Cottage style. The second house marries elements of Federal Colonial and Farmhouse style. The last house is Contemporary with a flat roof and linear design elements. The only similarity between these three houses architecturally is the beautiful versatile, Chesapeake Pearl Brick.
Chesapeake Pearl Queens – White Mortar
Chesapeake Pearl Queen – Gray Mortar
Still want to see more homes? Check out this Pinterest Page with dozens of additional images.
If you are looking for an even whiter brick check out Villa Chase.